Hands down the best display of the day. No doubt this was Forge Worlds biggest and best display to date. It’s a shame it won’t fit in the window at Warhammer World. I wonder if they will let us play on it in the hall?
“War is the crucible in which we burn. In the fires of battle is the past consumed and the future born on tongues of flame. No greater fire has there been in our times than the three bloody hours of the Dropsite Massacre.”
— attributed to Malcador the Sigillite, Regent of Terra
The Drop Site Massacre of Istvaan V was one of the major turning points that occurred early in the great galactic civil war that engulfed the Imperium of Man in the early 31st Millennium that was known in later times as the Horus Heresy. After the news of the Istvaan III Atrocity was brought to the Emperor of Mankind by the Loyalists aboard the Death Guard Frigate Eisenstein, He ordered the combined forces of seven Space Marine Legions to assault the positions of Horus and his Traitor Legions in the Istvaan System. During that assault on the world of Istvaan V, three Loyalist Astartes Legions — the Iron Hands, the Salamanders and the Raven Guard — were betrayed by the 4 other Legions of the Loyalist second wave — the Alpha Legion, Night Lords, Iron Warriors, and a large contingent of Word Bearers — who they had believed were loyal to the Emperor of Mankind, but in fact had already betrayed the Imperium and secretly turned to the service of the rebellious Warmaster Horus and Chaos. As the Loyalists retreated back towards what they believed were friendly lines, the hidden Traitors revealed their allegiance by opening fire upon the Loyalists, catching them between a Traitor hammer and anvil and nearly destroying all three Loyalist Legions. This victory demolished what the Loyalists had believed to be their numerical superiority and opened the path to the conquest of Terra for Horus and his allies amongst the Forces of Chaos.
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