Golden Demon 40k Open Category

I may have the wrong category for these but I believe they were from the open competition. I was only able to photograph the Saturday entries this year. Hopefully GW will provide some good coverage of the finalist via their community site and White Dwarf.

Leman Russ

Primaris Space Marine Captain

Classic Eldar Farseer

Sisters of Battle Imperial Knight

Warhammer Fest – Adeptus Titanicus Pictures

This game looks great. Warlords, Revers, Knights, Warhounds are on the way. No pricing information as yet. They are staying tight lipped 🙁 I’d guess the warlord will be priced around the same as the new Dreadnought kits based on it’s size.

Rever Battle Titans

Warlord Titans

Warlord with Titan Knights

Imperial Knight Box

More little titans located around Warhammer Fest

This gives a good scale comparison, the Walker in the background is a standard 40k scale Imperial Knight.

Battle set up, we didn’t get to play but there was a rules seminar.

Box Set

Building sets. Two are available in the initial release.

Warlord Box set.

40k 30th Anniversary display at Warhammer Fest

Games Workshop really went all out for the 40k 30th Anniversary display at Warhammer Fest this year. Games Workshop don’t have many of their old rouge trader models. Rarely accessed and highly protected archives indicate they where not included in the sale of the business many years ago, however it is something the servitors refuse to speak about. None the less by using some private collections by staff and fans, Games Workshop did manage to put together a good showing of these rare Rouge Trader models.
 Squat 40k 30th Anniversary display40k 30th Anniversary display


40k 30th Anniversary display

RTB01 marines 40k 30th Anniversary display

Dreadnought and Robots40k 30th Anniversary display

Tanks note the card blaneblade40k 30th Anniversary display

Space Dwarfs40k 30th Anniversary display40k 30th Anniversary display40k 30th Anniversary display
Mki Blood Angel Landspeader

There were also a couple of older models in the Golden Demon Competition this year.

The first Ultramarines Captain Model

40k 30th Anniversary display

The First Blood Claw Sergent Model40k 30th Anniversary display 

An Epic Ork Gargent40k 30th Anniversary display