More pictures if the machine Gods will permit us. These are mostly from the 40k single miniature category.

More pictures if the machine Gods will permit us. These are mostly from the 40k single miniature category.
It’s Golden Demon UK today. Here are some of the early entries. This is an unsorted and uncensored picture dump.
This game looks great. Warlords, Revers, Knights, Warhounds are on the way. No pricing information as yet. They are staying tight lipped 🙁 I’d guess the warlord will be priced around the same as the new Dreadnought kits based on it’s size.
Rever Battle Titans
Warlord Titans
Warlord with Titan Knights
Imperial Knight Box
More little titans located around Warhammer Fest
This gives a good scale comparison, the Walker in the background is a standard 40k scale Imperial Knight.
Battle set up, we didn’t get to play but there was a rules seminar.
Box Set
Building sets. Two are available in the initial release.
Warlord Box set.
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