More pictures if the machine Gods will permit us. These are mostly from the 40k single miniature category.
Category Archives: Imperial Fist
Imperial Fist Posts
40k Single Miniture – Golden Demond 2017
The Single 40k Miniture catagory is always one of the most popular and Golden Demond, 2017 was no exception.
This was the first set of photos from the day and unfortunately therefore the worst quality. I also got to this cabinet so early, they were a bit Spartan. None the less they were still some fantastically well painted models.
Blood Angel Captain
Built using the Master of the Recuits model from the Masters of the Chapter box set. The power Sword had been expertly converted for a Blood Angel power sword with a helmet and plasma pistol and back pack icon also added from Blood Angel plastic kits.
Space Wolves Wolf Guard
This is a strightforward use of the Storm Bolter and Wolf claw from the Space Wolves termintor kit.
Dark Angel Interigator Chaplain
While using a modern colour pallet, the yellow plasma pistol is a old school nod back to the second edition days.
Tech Priest
Dark tones have been used to make the red robes of the machine cult stand out adding some warmth to an otherwise very cold colour pallet.
Ultramarine Chapter Standard
A straightforward interpretation of the Ultramarine Chapter ancient. The blue has been extensively blended creating a pastal colour tone to off set the darker reds used on to acsent the details.
Space Wolves Blood Claw Sergeant
Every year it seams there is someone who replicates a Mike McVey paint job from the old days. They never do well in Judging but as a grey beard I always enjoy seeing them.
Space Marine Captain
Ultramarine Chapter Champion
Made using the Ultramarine upgrade kit and a plastic MK4 space marine. The helmet has been painted white to reflect the Mariens service within the 1st company.
Space Marine Limited Edition Terminator Chaplain
Geanstealer Magus
Space Wolves Legion Chaplain
Emperors Children Leagion Preditor
Dark Angels Terminator Chaplain conversion
Catachan Jungle Fighter – Colonel ‘Iron Hand’ Straken
Imperial First Legion Centurion
Dark Angel Legion Champion and Ultramarine Tech Marine
Space Wolf Arjac Rock Fist conversion
This model has me confounded as to what parts have been used to recreate this classic Space Wolve miniature.
Ork War Boss on Bike
A surprising entry of a bike in the category, however the rider is undead an Ork Warboss.
There were a lot more entries which were off for judging. As always this was a very competitor category at Golden Demon. Not one for the first time enterant to try, unless they are extremely talented.
Warhammer 40,000 Vehicle – Golden Demon 2017
The Golden Demon 2017 Warhammer 40,000 Vehicle categories appeared to be one of the most competitive this year. There were unsurprising lots of Space Marine Dreadnoughts. There were no less than five Leviathan pattern Siege Dreadnoughts. The imperial knights didn’t make as strong a showing this year.
Ultramarine Contemptor Dreadnought
Imperial Guard Astra Militarum Valdor Tank Hunter
Ultramarine Razorback armed with Assult CannonsDeimos Patten Vidicator Laser Distroyer
Leviathan pattern Siege Dreadnought
Sons of Horus – Leviathan pattern Siege Dreadnought with Siege Drill
Emporest Children – Leviathan pattern Siege Dreadnought armed with Grav Flux Bombard
Imperial Fist – Leviathan pattern Siege Dreadnought armed with Grav Flux Bombard
Ork looted Goliath Rockgrinder
Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought
Space Marine – Leviathan pattern Siege Dreadnought with Siege Drill
Imperial Fist Legion from Warhammer Fest
One of my favour parts of Warhammer Fest is meeting the Studio and White Dwarf staff, as well as seeing some of there own model collections. Unfortunately I can’t remember who’s army this is, but I do know they feature in the campaign of fire book.
This small Imperial Fist Legion army features a Cataphractii Terminator Squad and a single Tactical squad , mk3 armour shown above.
The breacher squad was the start of this Imperial Fist army, the other half of the tactical squad in MK5 power armour is show here, along with a Mkiv Venerable Dreadnought.
A command squad comprising of the limited edition boarding marine and 2 older games workshop veteran models, leads this army. The contemptor dreadnought armed with twin assault cannons and missle luncher forms a great centre peace to the army.
This army shows what can be achieved on a small budget, if you take you time. Lots of people complain about Game Workshops prices, while having 100s of unpainted models in boxes. There is no component in this army that can’t be bought for under £35. If you chip away at ForgeWorlds lines, painting each item before buying the next, the hobby really isn’t that expensive. Of course the total cost of this army runs in to £100s, but it all started with a 5 man squad for under £30. While Spartan Assault tanks and Storm Eagles look fantastic, it was the little men in power armour that got me in to this hobby. After 20 years of collecting little blue men, it’s still those little highly detailed models that I enjoy seeing the most.
Golden Demon 2014 – Space Marine Squads
Today is a sad day at Chaptermasters as we start on the last few remaining pictures from Golden Demon. Today’s are the Space Marines from the Squad Category. The good news is the Squad Category was one of the most popular categories so there are plenty more pictures to go.
First up we have a Black Chapter of Space Marines I can’t remember the name of, Black Consoles? Suggestions welcome. One thing is certain this is a Vanguard Veteran squad armed with power swords, lighting claws and the Sergeant carries a relic blade and storm shield.
Imperial Fist tactical squad
Looking like a Space Marine Squad should with many different armour plates and equipped with The Umbra Ferrox bolters, curtesy of Forge World.
Legion of the Damed
Classic sculpts from the masterful Julien Diaz. Probably the best Space Marine sculptor Games Workshop have ever employed. Please come back Julien, please come back.
Dark Angel Tactical Squad
The looks like the Work of Half God Studios’ El Wood. This Dark Angle Tactical Squad is lead by a classic Jez Godwin Metal Dark Angel Sergeant in Mkviii power armour.
Dark Angel Deathwing Terminator Squad
Unfortunately not a great photo of these ornately detailed Death Wing terminators.
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