Sisters of Battle Day
Calls of the Saint will rise again echo through the Sisters of Battle community on a fairly regular bases, and we hear rumours of new plastic kits having design problems and then rumours of production starting but release being possibly more than 2 years away. Well the Sisters of Battle community are taking matters into their own hands. They have declared there will be a Sisters of Battle day.
” I think someone should make petition to save SOB (Sisters of Battle) or make a date where everyone you could get, goes out and buys a sisters model. I think it would be a sad day if they went the way of the squats.” – Kieran – Sisters of Battle collector.
The only problem is they can’t decide what day this should be.
“What is a good Sisters day? Like May the forth is for star wars.” Jon – Sisters of Battle community moderator.
A couple of ideas so far are 1st August and the 1st September “Adepta Sororitas August or Sisters of Battle September” (Sororitas September). wants to get behind this idea. The question is how, other than helping spread the word. So we have decided to host a poll on what Day should be Sisters of Battle Day. If more ideas are submitted we will add them to the poll.
Sisters of Battle Day Poll
Please vote if you want to support the continuation of the Sisters of Battle as an alive and kicking army in 40k.

After creating this poll we became aware of another similar idea running on DakkaDakka: Buy a sister of battle with a melta gun on on march 4th 2014, so this poll has been reset and that date has now been added. At the time the poll was reset 2/2/15
Sisters Sororitas September had 11 votes
Adepta Sororitas August had 10 votes
Valentine’s day had 8 votes.
How else can you help the Sisters of Battle?
The sisters of Battle Facebook Community can be found here
Anyone can join. You can show your support for the Sisters by and liking the page and joining in when Adepta Sororitas Day is announced.
Sisters of Battle Army
We will leave you with a collection of photos of the very old Games Workshop Sisters of Battle army in the old Warhammer World Miniature Hall.
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