There was a lack of Grey Hunters and Other packs in Golden Demon, but no shortage of Space Wolf characters and Dreadnoughts. I guess this is very much in keeping with the new Space Wolf models Games Workshop have released this year.
Starting of the Heros of fendis is none other that the Great wolf himself. However this entry depicts Logan Grimnar is his time as a lowly Wolf Lord and not Champion of Fendress. This impressive entry also depicts converted Space Wolf Terminator Heros. I like to think these represent a younger Ulrik in Terminator armour and a heavy converted younger N’jal Storm Caller.
Logan Grimnar Golden Demon 2014
Ulrik the Slayer in Terminator Armour Golden Demon 2013
Space Wolf Ruin Priest in Terminator Amour – Golden Demon 2014
Arjac Rock Fist – Golden Demon 2014
Logan Grimnar and body guard – Golden Demon 2015
There was only one Space Wolf in the Single Miniature Category this year. So who ever painted this model can claim to have the best Space Wolf in category by default:)
I have of course forgotten the three Amigos 😉
There were also a trio of Space Wolf Dreadnoughts
Space Wolf Venerable Dreadnought Golden Demon 2014
Space Wolf Contempor Dreadnought armed with Frost Axe – Golden Demon 2014
Space Wolf Contemptor Dreadnought armed with Assault Canon
I’m afraid my photo quality is not good for these last few.
Wolf Guard – Golden Demon 2014
Storm Wolf and Grey Hunters Golden Demon 2014