Warhammer World Random photos

Just a few pictures of the battles that were going on around at warhammer World last week end. Sorry the quality of some isn’t good.

Random Battle at Warhammer world

A battle at Warhammer world

A big battle from Warhammer world

A large battle at Warhammer world

Th Bridge board at Warhammer world

The scenic Bridge board at Warhammer World

Tyranids vs Grey Knights

A battle between Grey knights and Tyranids

Armies on Parade

Chaos Army from Armies on Parade

Tyranid vs Grey Knights Battle

I’m not sure I can call this a battle report. We are playing the relic mission and rolled a length ways deployment, which gave us a bit of extra exercise, as we were playing on the middle table in a row of 7.

Tyranid Deployement

Tyranid Deployement

Grey Knight Deployement

Grey Knight Deployement

Grey Knight and Tryranid Deployement

Grey Knight and Tyranid Deployement

Tyranid Deployement

Tyranid Deployement

Tyranid Deployement

Tyranid Deployement

Tyranids ready to advance

Tyranids ready to advance

Grey Knights ready to purge the Tyranid forces

Grey Knights ready to purge the Tyranid forces

Grey Knight Terminators - Ready to count the Tyranid advance

Grey Knight Terminators – Ready to count the Tyranid advance

Grey Knight Purifiers ready to retrieve the relic

Grey Knight Purifiers ready to retrieve the relic

The Tyranid hoard lead by a Swam Lord ready to overwhelm the Grey Knights

The Tyranid hoard lead by a Swam Lord ready to overwhelm the Grey Knights

Purifiers jump on to the relic

Purifiers jump on to the relic

Seven Termigaunts are slain by Grey Knight bolter fire

Seven Termigaunts are slain by Grey Knight bolter fire

Grey Knights jump to relic back to the ruins

Grey Knights jump to relic back to the ruins

Zonethrops invoke warp blast

Zonethrops invoke warp blast

Zonthrope fire their warp blasts

Zonthropes fire their warp blasts

Winged Hive Tyrant and Hormagaunts advance

Winged Hive Tyrant and Hormagaunts advance

Winged Hive Tyrant and Hormagaunts advance

Winged Hive Tyrant and Hormagaunts advance towards the relic

Grey Knights take a heavy toll on the Termaguants

Grey Knights bolters take a heavy toll on the Termaguants

Tyranid Swarm Lord advances

Swarm Lord advances

Grey Knight Terminators

Grey Knight Terminators and Grand Master move towards the Tyranids

Turn 1 The Grey Knights jumped onto the relic and shot 7 Termigunts. The Tyranids moved forward firing all they could. One Zonthrope managed to slay 2 interceptors with a warp blasts. Well the rest should be as clear as a warhammer visions battle report. 20140215-212634.jpg 20140215-212648.jpg 20140215-212709.jpg 20140215-212726.jpg 20140215-212738.jpg 20140215-212752.jpg 20140215-212804.jpg 20140216-083458.jpg 20140216-083509.jpg 20140216-083519.jpg 20140216-083527.jpg 20140216-083542.jpg 20140216-083550.jpg 20140216-083606.jpg 20140216-083623.jpg 20140216-083631.jpg 20140216-083639.jpg 20140216-083654.jpg 20140216-083727.jpg 20140216-083735.jpg 20140216-083743.jpg 20140216-083758.jpg 20140216-083807.jpg 20140216-083814.jpg 20140216-083828.jpg 20140216-083837.jpg