Adepta Sororitas Day, Celestine the Living Saint

The Sisters of Battle will have their Day

Sisters of Battle Day

Calls of the Saint will rise again echo through the Sisters of Battle community on a fairly regular bases, and we hear rumours of new plastic kits having design problems and then rumours of production starting but release being possibly more than 2 years away. Well the Sisters of Battle community are taking matters into their own hands. They have declared there will be a Sisters of Battle day.

” I think someone should make petition to save SOB (Sisters of Battle) or make a date where everyone you could get, goes out and buys a sisters model. I think it would be a sad day if they went the way of the squats.” – Kieran – Sisters of Battle collector.

The only problem is they can’t decide what day this should be.

“What is a good Sisters day? Like May the forth is for star wars.” Jon – Sisters of Battle community moderator.

A couple of ideas so far are 1st August and the 1st September “Adepta Sororitas August or Sisters of Battle September” (Sororitas September). wants to get behind this idea. The question is how, other than helping spread the word. So we have decided to host a poll on what Day should be Sisters of Battle Day. If more ideas are submitted we will add them to the poll.

Sisters of Battle Day Poll


Please vote if you want to support the continuation of the Sisters of Battle as an alive and kicking army in 40k.

What is the best date for Sister of Battle or Adepta Sororitas Day?

View Results

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After creating this poll we became aware of another similar idea running on DakkaDakka: Buy a sister of battle with a melta gun on on march 4th 2014, so this poll has been reset and that date has now been added. At the time the poll was reset 2/2/15

Sisters Sororitas September had 11 votes

Adepta Sororitas August had 10 votes

Valentine’s day had 8 votes.


How else can you help the Sisters of Battle?

The sisters of Battle Facebook Community can be found here

Anyone can join. You can show your support for the Sisters by and liking the page and joining in when Adepta Sororitas Day is announced.



Sisters of Battle Army

We will leave you with a collection of photos of the very old Games Workshop Sisters of Battle army in the old Warhammer World Miniature Hall.

Sister of Battle Order of the Sacred Rose

Sister of Battle Order of the Sacred Rose

Sisters Repentia led by Priest with a Crusader

Sisters Repentia led by Priest with a Crusader

Sisters of Battle Order of Our Martyred Lady

Sisters of Battle Order of Our Martyred Lady

 Celestine the Living Saint

Celestine the Living Saint

Sisters of Battle Order of Our Martyred Lady

Sisters of Battle Order of Our Martyred Lady

Sisters of Battle Order of Our Martyred Lady

Sisters of Battle Order of Our Martyred Lady

Sisters of Battle Order of Our Martyred Lady

Sisters of Battle Order of Our Martyred Lady with Rhinos

Sisters of Battle Order of Our Martyred Lady with  Immolator

Sisters of Battle Order of Our Martyred Lady with


Chapterhouse Studios Open for Business

The Chapterhouse Studios web site has reopened. From the products available for sale, it appears the original court judgement is being upheld. For example the Dark Elf and power glove are still not available.

Chapter house Dark Eldar – No longer available.

The good news is many of their other products are still there. If it wasn’t for the withdrawal of the court appeals you would be forgiven for thinking Chapterhouse Studios paid their fine and have just started trading again. What has changed on the Chapterhouse site is the use of Games Workshop trademarks. Phrases such as “compatible with” and “designed for” Space Marines are still being used. This legal cases outcome has certainly opened the way for other companies to make products for Warhammer and to use the Games Workshop trademarks in the marketing of their products.

Chapterhouse Necron defence line.

In related news Games Workshop appear to have forced some of the Chinese remoulding business to stop advertising on some of the better know auction and shopping sites. I would imagine these remoulding business are having a much worse impact on Games Workshop’s bottom line than Chapterhouse Studios were. If someone wants a landraider they have to buy it from Games Workshop or get a remould. They can’t buy it from Chapterhouse Studios. It appears Games Workshop have learnt some important lessons from the Chapterhouse Law Suit and are now bring them to bear on those who are clearly breaking Trademark Law rather then those who might be. The question remains of wether Games Workshop are able to close down the Chinese counterfeiters faster than new ones open.

We probably all know the problem with counterfeiters, they can produce inferior versions of a product and do cost the intellectual property owner money, this can result in fewer new products and jobs at Games Workshop. The benefit of counterfeiter is they open up products to those who might not otherwise be able to afford them. They also force the intellectual property owner to consider their pricing strategy at bit more closely. Given the current barrier to entry in the 40k hobby, could this be a good thing?

All in all this may have been a good day for 40k. And to paraphrase the outgoing CEO, if you ignore the numbers it’s been a good day for Games Workshop.

ChapterHouse Studios Will Return

It appears ChapterHouse Studios will be open for business by Black Friday, thats 21st November 2014 if you live out side US culture.  The owner of Chapter House Studios LLC posted the following information on DakkaDakka today.

“Hello folks, the web store will be up and going by the end of the week and I will ship out any orders that were not disputed this week as well. Hopefully the site will be able to stay profitable and I am hoping the defense lines will sell as well as some new products as well.

Thank you to those that supported Chapterhouse through the last years.


So is seams Chapter House Studios will return. The information around the settlement reached with GamesWorkshop will never be known, however some information is clear. Games Workshop have not achieved they main goal of shutting down Chapter House Studios.

The most we will probably ever find out, will be in the form of the product lines that Chapter House continue to sell. It is clear that Games Workshop have agreed or accepted that the defence lines will continue to be sold. If I ever get a StormRaven for my blood Angels or Grey Knights I will add one of the ChapterHouse Studios conversion kits. I also like the land raider kit although I don’t think I would want more than one. I just like to have verity in my armies. Hopefully these lines will continue to be sold. I may also pick up some of their jet bikes as they are far more reasonably priced than those Games Workshop sell.

I for one am glad Chapter House Studios will continue, like them or loathe them they make the 40k universe a bigger place and offer more support to certain armies (that Games Workshop don’t give equal attention to as some others), they also offer less wealthy games a way to keep playing the hobby as Game Workshop continue on their price escalator.

It is interesting this all comes after games workshop have plugged many of the holes in their model range, by either producing the models such as the Tyranid Trannocyte Spore or removing the units from the Codex. It’s also interesting Games Workshop and have announced the appointment of a new CEO, this week. Perhaps the out going CEO Tom Kirby didn’t want this to take the focus on the incoming SEO Kevin Roundtree.

Games Workshops Storm Raven


Games Workshops Storm Raven with ChapterHouse Studios conversion kit.


It’s will be an interesting week end.

Chapter House Studios and UK Counterfit Laws

If there was any doubt over who won the Chapter House vs Games Workshop court fight the outcome is now very clear. No one did. Chapterhouse were forced to move their business’s focus to a law suit instead of plugging holes in Games Workshops product range. They were then forced to stop selling a number of their products and are currently unable to do any trading as their owner had had his assets frozen, as in he can’t legally spend or take money from people and has no access to banking facilities.


Similarly Games Workshop were forced to shift there focus to a law suit, they have had to withdraw intellectually property from their books in the form of rules and artwork, they have had to delay or abandon certain products. No one but Games Workshop know what has fallen in to this category.
Games Workshop collectors have had to buy thinner rule books, have had to wait longer for products to be released and now can’t buy any of Chapterhouse’s products. In this lawsuit the lawyers didn’t even win. Games Workshops lawyers are internal to the business so made no more money. Chapter House’s Lawyers haven’t revived a single dollar in fees, as they did the work no win no fee.

So all around this thing was a total waste of everyone’s time and effort. If anything the only thing that has become clear to GW is what they need to do to protect their products, register all their Trademarks. It’s also clearer to other miniature makers what they can and can’t do without Games Workshops permission, and what the outcome will be if they go beyond these boundaries at least inside the USA.


I really think this whole debate has been a storm in a tea cup, when you consider there are businesses in China who are busy remoulding GW products and selling them at about half the price GW charge. Games Workshop can’t do anything about these businesses as intellectual properties laws are very different in China. Make no mistake this is hurting GW’s bottom line. Possibly far more than Chapter House ever have done. UK law offers GW very little protection because up until recently they had been no laws to stop people buying counterfit goods. The law only prevents the selling of counterfit goods.
The European courts have recently introduced laws which allow customs to detain suspected counterfeit goods at the boarder. They can email Games Workshop and invite them to inspect the goods, however if Games Workshop decline or don’t respond within 10 days customs have to release the goods again. then there is the question of if customs and GW have time to check on a small parcel full of resin. I don’t think your average customs officer knows what colour resin Forge World are using.

Of course if you decide to buy these fakes from China you better not try to resell them yourself as you would be breaking the law. When you are done with them you can only give them away or throw them in the bin. If you do buy a lot of these you run the risk the police could take the view you intend to resell them and prosecute you any way. So you better paint them fast.

A few Internet Gurus were calling out for GW to drop the Chapterhouse lawsuit and focus on plugging the holes in their own product range rather than waste time on other activities. In hindsight may they have been right?

With a new CEO at the helm, who could have had at lot of input in to this decision as CFO I don’t think GW will call off their Wolves. So those thinking GW have no appetite for these court cases better think again.

What ever way you go about increasing your collection without going bankrupt, good luck.


GW price around £500. Approximate resale value £300
Remoulded price £250. Approximate resale value £0 or £250 with a possible jail term.

Fort Pain, Tau, Warhammer World

An End to Fort Pain at Warhammer World

During the building works at Warhammer World, Fort Pain has been retired. It is currently unknown if the board is set to return. While being one of the few boards featured in Games Workshop publications it was not the most popular. While it looks great it is not the most balanced or level board. It is great for a game of siege the castle and one of the few ways many people can afford to play on the Forge World Fortress, but not good for a balanced game of 40k. Some general relish this prospect.

I was able to play a game on the board with Ben’s Space Wolves against Gareth Tau and another mystery army. Here are some pictures from my one experiences of Pain!

Fort Pain Spave Wolves Fort Pain Spave Wolves Fort Pain Tau Warhammer World Fort Pain Tau Warhammer World Fort Pain Spave Wolves vs Tau Warhammer World Fort Pain Spave Wolves Warhammer World Fort Pain Tau Warhammer World Tau Rip Tide Warhammer World Fort Pain Spave Wolves vs Tau Warhammer World Fort Pain Spave Wolves vs Tau Warhammer World Fort Pain Spave Wolves vs Tau Warhammer World Fort Pain Spave Wolves vs Tau Warhammer World Fort Pain, Spave Wolves Fort Pain, Spave Wolves Tau Rip Tide Warhammer World Fort Pain Tau, Warhammer World

Fort Pain Spave Wolves vs Tau, Warhammer World

Fort Pain Spave Wolves vs Tau, Warhammer World

IMG_5762 IMG_5763 Fort Pain Spave Wolves vs Tau, Warhammer World Fort Pain, Tau, Warhammer World Fort Pain, Tau, Warhammer World