News: FaQ updates for flyers, inc Space Marine Storm Raven

10112012080Games Workshop have released FaQ updates for most codex’s and the main rule set this weekend.

Codex’s updated: Blood Angels, Dark Eldar, Grey Knights, Imperial Guard, Necrons, Orks, Space Marines.

Not only does this confirm access to the Storm Raven for the Ultramarines, but updates the flyer rules across 6th edition.

News: New 40k Flyer Compendium – Death From The Skys

 It’s officially here, in an almost surprising, but completely unheard of move. Games workshop have dropped a new compendium and a stack of flyer bundles on to the website for direct order only.

Most of the bundles consist of sets of 2 or 3 flyers for each race, these bundles cost between £55 and £90 GBP each. The Space marines get an extra bundle with a Storm Raven Dreadnought and Tactical Squad for £101. Imperial Guard only get one bundle consisting of 2 Valkyries and 2 Storm Trooper squads priced at £133.

The GW website states there are “new bestiary and army list entries for the following codexes: Black Templars, Blood Angels, Dark Eldar, Grey Knights, Imperial Guard, Necrons, Orks and Space Marines”

For now we can only wonder what the changes will be for the codex’s which already have the units listed, such as the Storm Raven in the Grey Knights codex, storm talons perhaps?

Death from the skys is only available in English. Death from the skys is not limited edition.

Let the dakka dakka continue.


Ork flyer

40K rules: What Psychic powers can my army use?

It seems unbelievable that this information isn’t contained within the rule book, but this information is only found in White Dwarf 391 (which is now out of print) and the in the Psychic powers cards. Below is a table showing which physic powers can be used by each army.

Blood Angels – Biomancy, Divination, Telepathy and Telekinesis

Chaos Deamons – None

Chaos Space Marines – Pyromancy, Telekinesis, or Telepathy

Dark Angels – Divination, Pyromancy, Telepathy, or Telekinesis

Dark Eldar – None

Eldar – Divination or Telepathy

Grey Knights – Divination, Pyromancy, or Telekinesis.

Imperial Guard – Biomancy, Pyromancy, Telepathy, and Telekinesis

Necrons – None

Orks – None

Space Marines –  Biomancy, Pyromancy, Telepathy, or Telekinesis

Space Wolves –  Biomancy, Divination  or Telekinesis

Tyranids – Biomancy, Telekinesis or Telepathy


Source White Dwarf 391