Golden Demon Duel
The Golden Demon Duel always provides some interesting and some times funny entires. This years winning entry Beauty and the Best was no exception. The winning entries were off for judging when i got to the Duel cabinet, so I don’t think I have photo’s of any.
Fist up we have Forge World’s Fist Captain Ezekyle Abaddon of the Son’s of Horus vs Former Tenth Captain Garviel Loken of the Lunar Wolves.
This World Eaters Comtemptor Dreadnought clearly packs a punch. The Blood Angle’s contempt or looks to have met it’s match.
Who is shouting “turn around” to this Tau Fire-warrior? The merciless Dark Eldar strikes.
Ultramarines Jetbike vs Ork Jet Bike Deff Koppta
Tau crises suit vs Commissar Yarkic