Kill Team 40k Preview

For less than the cost of a Tau Stike Team and a Space Marine Tactical squad this set is absolutely fantastic value from the Warhammer store. Well it is when you consider it includes a Tau Stike Team, a Space Marine Tactical squad and a 40k the rules, along with the rules for playing Kill Team. For anyone who collects Space Marines and Tau this box is surly an auto purchase? 

This product is actually a big step up for GW, or down depending on how you look at it. It’s possible the lowest entry level set for 40k that GW have released for years. I think we are back to 3rd edition for something comparable in terms of price. If you have a friend who wants to split a couple of sets down the middle, a single character model such as one of these fellows, is all you need to have a basic 500 point 40k army.

So although there are no new models to see here. This is a massive shift if tactics from Games Workshop bring the cost of getting going in 40k right down. I could see school kids looking at this as an invitation to get started.

Golden Demon 2016 Winners

Warhammer Fastasy Single miniature and Regement have now been added.
This post will contain all of the winnig entries for the 2016 Golden Demon painting competition. 

The pictures below follow the order of the awards, as anouniced on the day. The first award anouniced was the young blood bronze winner.

Young Bloods Bronze

Young Bloods Siver

Young Bloods Gold

Warhammer 40,000 Single miniature

Warhammer 40k Single Miniture Bronze

Warhammer 40k Single Miniture Silver

Warhammer 40k Single Miniture Gold

Warhammer 40,000 Squad

Unfortunate this catagory was off for final judging as I passed the cabinets so I’m going to have to dig up some better images.

Warhammer 40k Squad Bronze

Warhammer 40k Squad Silver

Warhammer 40k Squad Gold

Warhammer 40,000 Large Monster

40k Large Monster Bronze

40k Large Monster Silver

40k Large Monster Gold

Warhammer 40,000 Vehicle 

Warhammer 40,000 Vehicle Bronze

Warhammer 40,000 Vehicle Silver

Warhammer 40,000 Vehicle Gold

Warhammer Fantasy Single Miniture

Warhammer Fantasy Single Miniture Bronze

Warhammer Fantasy Single Miniture Silver

Warhammer Fantasy Single Miniture Gold

Warhammer Fantasy Regement  

Warhammer Fantasy Regement  Bronze

Warhammer Fantasy Regement  Silver

Warhammer Fantasy Regement  Gold

Warhammer Fantasy Large Monster  
Warhammer Fantasy Large Monster  Bronze

Warhammer Fantasy Large Monster Silver

Warhammer Fantasy Large Monster Gold

Diorama  Golden Demon 2016

Diorama Bronze

Diorama Silver

Diorama Gold

Limited Edition Captain Centros US Only?

Would GW really make this model US only? I recall past US only models being released later in the UK. I for one hope that’s what they do. Picking up models on eBay or worse still remoldes from who knows where, isn’t the sort of customer behaviour GW should be encouraging. This could have been a great Warhammer Fest offering from GW and I can’t help but wonder if that was the original intentions but that production couldn’t hit the time scales required. 

Oh well fingers crossed.

Plastic Warhound Bomb Shell from Warhammer Fest

Plastic Titans rumoured at Warhammer Fest. 

I’ve been reading a couple of rumours that the old Forge World Warhound may soon make it into plastic. These rumours are on lots of different sites.

A plastic Warhound does sounds feasible. It’s a nice square Titan with lots of panel repetition in it’s design, which would lend itself to minimum sprue designs.

I herd a couple of things at Warhammer Fest. First of I heard the Forge World Designers discussing some reluctance at GW taking on some of their projects, due to the compremise created by the time pressures the Studio operate under and therefore corners getting cut. This is encouraging. The corners could refer to the comprises to make use of the same Sprue twice for either side of then Titan.

I also overheard Jes Godwin say the Imperial Knight would be the only Titan that would be made in plastic. Now this obviously is not encouraging. However Jes has got it wrong before. I would assume what he meant was at the current time the studio couldn’t take on another plastic Titan. After all I asked him for many years about the knight and we got that one.

I’m as keen as the next person to see a new warhound, but from where I’m standing it’s more likely to be 8mm; and in resin than in plastic and 28mm. So I would say don’t hold your breath. Of course if you really want a plastic Warhound, you could always make it yourself.