£200 for a single model anyone?

Just how much is too much when it comes to 40k models? £200 may seem like an awful lot of money for one painted model, but when you think about it it’s not rally that bad. How many hours does it take you to paint a Space Marine Captain? I’d normally spend about 2 days on a Captain, 3 for a special model. That’s between 14 and 21 hours, if i could charge £200 to paint one, I’d still only be earning £9 to £14 per hour. The heavy metal team are known to spend a week on a model, so at £200 that’s £5.40 per hour. You can earn more per hours working behind a bar. Heavy Metal models don’t appear on ebay very often but if you’d like to own something very special this Christmas, bidding starts at £200.

Just to be clear I’m not selling this, just advertising it, I’d be bidding if I could!

If you like to bid please click below.