Fog of war has started to take stead now. These are scattered accounts from remembrances for this hard fought battle.
After the conflict had begun the combined forces of the Ultramarines and Tau tried to bring their fire power on the Eldar. However the Eldar proved evasive to taking heavy casualties. Interference from the Eldar delayed the arrival of air support. As a result lots of Ultramarines and Tau died, including most of the heavy support and the Ultramarines commanding Librarian, leaving the allied forces with no real hope of destroying the source of the Phantom shaped silhouette above the field of battle.

Ultramarines advance

The Dark Reapers Survey what their next target might be

The Tau stealth suits try to blend in with the Energy reactors

The Eldar Guardians feeling confident in the shadow of their Phantom.

The Ultramarines bail from their wrecked Rhino.

The Ultramarines Advance under the watchful eye of the Tau Commander

The Stealth suits continue to lie in wait ready to make their attack.

The dark reapers have certainly picked a good deployment.

The air support arrives for the tau and Ultramarine alliance

The Ultramarines are holding down the cover from the Phantom

The storm eagle swoops into support

The Reapers still holding out in the Fortification

The phantom still remains untouched

Another view of the aerial support arriving.

the battle still goes on

The Ultra marines retreat

The Rhino immobilises itself in the swamp.

The Tau Riptide and crisis suit deep strike into the Eldar deployment.

The wave serpent try s to counter the Crisis team.

The Barracuda swoops in.
