The Thunderhawk Parting shot – How much longer will we be fooled?

I was somewhat baffled by the frenzy that surrounded the Thunderhawk picture on the back of the April White Dwarf. Do we really still take any meaning from this parting shot picture. Last month it was a picture of Space Wolves vs Nids. The only SpaceWolves in this months White Dwarf were in golden daemon. The Tyranids featured in the battle report. Two  month earlier it was Goblins in the parting show. They turned up in a battle report against the new Chaos Warriors army. If this patten follows either the Thunderhawk or Ork flyers will feature in the the May White Dwarf battle report. Who they will be up against is anyone’s guess. If the rumours turn out to be true this will be an apocalypse battle report, from the new Apocalypse Expansion; but we all know how much I hate rumours…
